Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Need a backup script to get backup history status for the latest backup from all linked sql servers RE: Need a backup script to get backup history status for the latest backup from all linked sql servers

  • I imagine everyone has their own approach to this.

    Your approach of using linked servers will definitely work.

    I use a C# application I wrote that lets me run T-SQL code against a select list of servers and provides a combined result set.

    I also have an Excel spreadsheet with a macro that essentially does the same, but puts results in individual worksheets. I don't manage anywhere near that number of servers though.

    Someone else I know uses registered servers somehow to run T-SQL against multiple servers.

    As opc.three mentioned, you could probably do this through a Powershell script as well.

    I don't know, but I'd guess Redgate offers some sort of tool for this sort of thing.