• Sean Lange (1/15/2013)

    Great question Wayne. I knew the page would not be deallocated but I didn't know all of the details. The article was very interesting and informative read.

    I wonder if Celko will start bashing Paul Randal for calling them records instead of rows?? 😀

    I doubt it, because I'm sure that Joe recognizes that "record" is the right name for something deep down in the data engine, way below the relational model, and that's what Paul is talking about here - a string of bits somewhere on a disc (or on a cached copy of part of a disc) not a row in the relational model. The relation no longer contains that row once the transaction is committed, but its storage container will contains the record until the cleanup task or index defragmentation or rebuilding removes it, and that can be a long time after the transactio is committed - that's how we know that this is a record not a row.
