• Lokesh Vij (1/17/2013)

    I knew there was a discussion on similar question recently, still got the answer wrong 🙂

    Whilst, I was trying to look at the queries executed in estimated execution plan, my eye caught something. What ever operation is performed after "SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON;", it is treated as a single query along with QUOTED_IDENTIFIER.

    Would really appreciate if someone can pitch-in and explain.


    I remember the discussion ; but, I tested that to confirm it ; then I got counfused as it came no rows effected . So , I got it wrong :w00t:

    well, I forgot the question while testing it - the Display Estimated plan ..

    I don't need coffee, I need less work...

    Try executing any select query , it gives 1 rows affected.

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm: