• As other posters have pointed out, you will need the child-parent relationship from your relational database tables to construct the XML hierarchy. Try this:

    -- Create table, but this time add an identifier and a ReportsTo column referencing this.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[xmldata](

    [Identifier] SMALLINT, -- unique identifier

    [FirstName] [varchar](110) NULL,

    [LastName] [varchar](210) NULL,

    [Email] [varchar](110) NULL,

    [Phone] [varchar](110) NULL,

    [Position] [varchar](110) NULL,

    [Branch] [varchar](110) NULL,

    [Address] [varchar](110) NULL,

    [ReportsTo] SMALLINT NULL -- person reports to someone in this table (or nobody)



    [Identifier] ASC

    )) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT [dbo].[xmldata] ([Identifier], [FirstName], [LastName], [Email], [Phone], [Position], [Branch], [Address], [ReportsTo])

    VALUES (1, N'Andrew', N'Fuller', N'afuller@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9898', N'CEO', N'TopManagement', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', NULL)

    , (2, N'Jeremy', N'Boather', N'jboather@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9888', N'President QA', N'QA', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 1)

    , (3, N'Anne', N'Dodsworth', N'adodsworth@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9887', N'VP QA', N'QA', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 2)

    , (4, N'Alexander', N'Tuckings', N'atuckings@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9886', N'Team Lead Team1', N'QA', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 3)

    , (5, N'Brenda', N'Smith', N'bsmith@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9885', N'Senior QA', N'QA', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 4)

    , (6, N'Mary', N'Bird', N'mbird@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9885', N'Team Lead Team2', N'QA', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 3)

    , (7, N'Steven', N'Buchanan', N'sbuchanan@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9897', N'President Dev Dept.', N'Development', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 1)

    , (8, N'Robert', N'King', N'rking@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9896', N'VP Dev Dept.', N'Development', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 7)

    , (9, N'Laura', N'Callahan', N'lcallahan@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9892', N'Team Lead Team1', N'Development', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 8)

    , (10, N'Jason', N'Roland', N'jroland@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9872', N'Senior Dev', N'Development', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 9)

    , (11, N'Eric', N'Danstin', N'edanstin@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9882', N'Team Lead Team2', N'Development', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 8)

    , (12, N'Elizabeth', N'Lincoln', N'elincoln@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9862', N'Senior Dev', N'Development', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 11)

    , (13, N'Margaret', N'Peacock', N'mpeacock@contoso.com', N'(205) 555 - 9852', N'Senior Dev', N'Development', N'London, 120 Hanover Sq.', 11);

    -- Check data

    SELECT *

    FROM [dbo].[xmldata];


    -- Function to create child nodes; uses recursion and a stopper.

    --CREATE FUNCTION dbo.NodeBuilder

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.NodeBuilder

    (@ReportsTo SMALLINT)





    SET @Node =

    (SELECT FirstName AS '@FirstName',

    LastName AS '@LastName',

    Email AS '@Email',

    Phone AS '@Phone',

    Position AS '@Position',

    Branch AS '@Branch',

    [Address] AS '@Address',


    WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.xmldata AS P2 WHERE P2.Identifier = P1.ReportsTo) > 0

    THEN (SELECT dbo.NodeBuilder(Identifier))



    FROM dbo.xmldata AS P1

    WHERE ReportsTo = @ReportsTo

    FOR XML PATH('Node'), TYPE)

    RETURN @Node




    -- XML builder, uses function to create child nodes.


    P0.FirstName AS '@FirstName',

    P0.LastName AS '@LastName',

    P0.Email AS '@Email',

    P0.Phone AS '@Phone',

    P0.Position AS '@Position',

    P0.Branch AS '@Branch',

    P0.[Address] AS '@Address',

    (SELECT dbo.NodeBuilder(Identifier))

    FROM dbo.xmldata AS P0

    WHERE P0.ReportsTo IS NULL

    FOR XML PATH('Node'), TYPE, ROOT('Root')

    I would probably tidy up the last SELECT statement and put it in a stored procedure with Identifier as the parameter, so subsections of your organizational tree can be more easily selected.