• If you're thinking of a Word Mail Merge, I don't know of a way you can do that exactly. SQL does have outgoing mail functionality by way if the sp_send_dbmail procedure.

    First set up database mail and create a profile with an account. Here's the basic syntax of the command:

    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'Your Profile Name',

    @recipients = @strTo,

    @copy_recipients = @strCC,

    @subject = @strSubject,

    @body = @strBody,

    @body_format = 'HTML';

    For the full syntax of the command, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190307%28v=SQL.90%29.aspx. It contains a lot of options for including queries that you probably don't need in this specific situation, but they come in handy sometimes.

    I've set this up to periodically process outbound mail via a database job, but there's no reason you can't just run it anytime.