• I agree to the article highlighted by you. The best example I can see i sme. Not long ago when I started my career into SQL Server it seemed like an ocean( which it is still .. 🙂 ), a simple error like "ambigous column name" seemed something like alien. I did crammped a lot of book, but they seemed like homepathic medicine, though they would be effective but did not knew when. It was until when I started answering the QOtD that I started to understand what it exactly meant.And I must confess that I answered all questions wrongly and learnt a lot from the discussions.I would like to extend my heart-felt thanks to the whole SQL Server Central team for this, even though I am not a master but I am able to answer and undesratnd the nuances of SQL Server better than before.

    Cramming even though is a strategy to learn, but it the interest that will help you to pin until the last drop.