• venki83k (1/8/2013)


    I am executing this against database i got above error .

    Basically using this to track db growth of all database on a server.colud you please suggest anybody on this.

    insert all_dbs_file_size(dbs_name,rec_model,dbf_size_in_MB,log_size_in_mb)




    ,convert(decimal(18,2),(sum(size)*8)/1024.0) as dbf_size_in_mb

    ,(select (size*8)/1024.0 from sys.sysaltfiles where dbid=saf.dbid and groupid=0) as log_size_in_mb

    from sys.sysaltfiles saf

    join sys.databases d on saf.dbid=d.database_id

    where groupid>0

    group by dbid,d.name,d.compatibility_level,d.recovery_model_desc



    Don't hijack threads of other posters, always create a new thread for your request

    Anyways, here is the solution for your problem

    INSERTall_dbs_file_size( dbs_name, rec_model, dbf_size_in_MB, log_size_in_mb )

    SELECTD.name, D.recovery_model_desc,

    CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), SUM( CASE WHEN S.groupid = 1 THEN S.size ELSE 0 END ) * 8 / 1024.00 ) AS dbf_size_in_mb,

    CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), SUM( CASE WHEN S.groupid = 0 THEN S.size ELSE 0 END ) * 8 / 1024.00 ) AS log_size_in_mb

    FROMsys.sysaltfiles AS S

    INNER JOIN sys.databases AS D ON S.dbid = D.database_id

    GROUP BY D.name, D.recovery_model_desc

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden