• Anyone looking for a PolyServe replacement should look to DH2i.com and DxConsole.

    It is everything PolyServe used to be and so much more. (Full disclosure, I am an ex-PolyServe employee and now head up sales at DH2i).

    Quick overview of features:

    Full instance mobility, and HA monitoring

    Define an SLA to an instance, then guarantee it through full QOS to that instance (proc, memory, network, storage IO)

    VSS integration

    support of SQL 2005 and up, any edition and any mix of versions simultaneous.

    Supports 64 bit version of Windows 2008, r2 or 2012 simultaneous in one cluster.

    Manage SQL instances across both physical and VM hosts simultaneously (hyper V, VmWare, etc)

    Vastly simplified patching

    Essentially unlimited cluster size

    stretch cluster capability

    auto load balancing

    a very easy migration tool, Dxtransfer.

    It is worth looking into.


    Carl Berglund