• Welcome to SSC, DDL would be nice but this is not really a difficult problem so I've mocked up the data to suit, but for future refrence the DDL (table defs) and sample data would be nice.

    You can solve this with a Calendar Table, once you have a Calendar table in place its simple to then run a Cross tab to get the values, in place.

    One minor issue could be if a contract starts and/or ends mid month, as you would need to split the contract value on a pro-rata basis for the partial months.

    eg Contract Start date : 21/07/2012, contract end date = 31/12/2012.

    which means that you may actually need to go to week or day level and then aggreate this back up to do the maths.

    This should get you part way there, the only thing missing is the Cross Tab/Pivot of the values.


    Set up


    Declare @Base as Date='31-Dec-2000';

    Create Table #Data


    ContractNumber int

    ,ContractStartDate Datetime

    ,ContractEndDate Datetime

    ,ContractAmount Money


    Create Table #Calendar


    CalendarDate datetime

    ,CalendarMonth tinyint

    ,CalendarDay tinyint

    ,CalendarWeek smallint

    ,YearMonth int



    Create In line Tally Table



    L0 AS(SELECT 1 AS C UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS O), -- 2 rows

    L1 AS(SELECT 1 AS C FROM L0 AS A CROSS JOIN L0 AS B), -- 4 rows

    L2 AS(SELECT 1 AS C FROM L1 AS A CROSS JOIN L1 AS B), -- 16 rows

    L3 AS(SELECT 1 AS C FROM L2 AS A CROSS JOIN L2 AS B), -- 256 rows

    L4 AS(SELECT 1 AS C FROM L3 AS A CROSS JOIN L3 AS B), -- 65,536 rows

    L5 AS(SELECT 1 AS C FROM L4 AS A CROSS JOIN L4 AS B), -- 4,294,967,296 rows



    Populate The Calendar table with


    Insert into #Calendar

    Select Convert(Datetime,DateAdd(d,n,@Base)) CalendarDate

    ,DatePart(Month, DateAdd(d,n,@Base)) CalendarMonth

    ,DatePArt(d, DateAdd(d,n,@Base)) CalendarDay

    ,DatePArt(wk, DateAdd(d,n,@Base)) CalendarWeek

    ,convert(varchar(6),DateAdd(d,n,@Base),112) YearMonth

    From Nums n

    Where n<10000


    populate the Contract Table


    Insert into #Contract

    Values (1234,'01-Jul-2012','30-Nov-2012',5000.00)


    ;With Cte_Months



    Select Distinct



    ,DateDiff(m, d.ContractStartDate, d.ContractEndDate)+1 Months

    From #Data d

    JOIN #Calendar cal on Cal.CalendarDate Between d.ContractStartDate and d.ContractEndDate








    #Data d

    JOIN Cte_Months M on M.ContractNumber=d.ContractNumber

    the problem you will face with the Cross tab/Pivot out of the data is that the Number of columns is likley to be variable, unless you can hand on heart state that no contract will be greater than a number of months.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices