• roger.plowman (1/3/2013)

    This issue is yet another example of why SQL is one of the worst-designed languages of all time from a syntactic POV.

    Would it have killed the designers to create two string delimiters that could be interchanged (ala BASIC) and reserved square brackets for field/table delimiting? And while we're at it to use #'s to delimit dates/times (ala MS Access)?

    Oh, and use a dedicated "escape" character instead of doubling the escaped character? Sheesh!

    Sorry, this is one of (many) pet peeves I have with T-SQL.

    I agree that single quotes are kind of a pita to deal with but NOTHING from Access be considered in a real RDBMS. The notion of using #'s doesn't work either. That one is used for temp tables. About the only standard character left would be the tilde or the pipe.

    I totally agree that there should be something to indicate that the entire following string has been escaped. .NET does that quite well. I think the challenge here is yet again the lack of any unused characters that don't already mean something else.


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