• Ok, I didnt realise there was any other logic.

    This is a way to do it with a Left Join

    Select t2.*

    from #temp2 t2

    Left Join #temp1 t1 on t2.StudentLocalID=t1.StudentLocalID and t2.ScheduleSchoolCode=t1.EnrollSchoolCode


    t1.EnrollSchoolCode is Null

    Heres a way with a Not Exists

    Select t2.*

    from #temp2 t2


    NOT EXISTS (Select 1 from #temp1 t1

    Where t1.EnrollSchoolCode=t2.ScheduleSchoolCode

    and t1.StudentLocalID=t2.StudentLocalID)

    Either should enable you to add more logic.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices