Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Backups Transaction log back and point in time recovery RE: Transaction log back and point in time recovery

  • MSSQL_NOOB (12/31/2012)

    Here are the numbers after today's 12:00pm transaction log backup. Missed the pre-backup numbers.

    VLFs or dbcc loginfo(yourdb) returns 288 rows.

    dbcc sqlperf(logspace) returns Log Size of 1588 MB (or the 1.5GB I had mentioned); and 1.23xxx % Log Space Used.

    check the size of the log backup to tell you how much space was used in the log file.

    288 VLFs would not concern me.

    And considering my anticipated users usage is from 7am - 9pm; wouldn't a "cleanup" be recommended after 9pm? All data should be committed (and written to data file), full backup will make sure I have a copy of data file of all committed transactions, wouldn't it?

    Its not a 'cleanup', its a logically consistent snapshot of your data, but yes you still need to take regular full backups as well as log backups, if only so you don't have too many log backups to work through in a recovery scenario. Work out a backup strategy that gives you the recovery you require. Its being able to recover the database within acceptable data loss limits (to your organisation) that matters.
