Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Backups Transaction log back and point in time recovery RE: Transaction log back and point in time recovery

  • Here are the numbers after today's 12:00pm transaction log backup. Missed the pre-backup numbers.

    VLFs or dbcc loginfo(yourdb) returns 288 rows.

    dbcc sqlperf(logspace) returns Log Size of 1588 MB (or the 1.5GB I had mentioned); and 1.23xxx % Log Space Used.

    If the percentage used is averaging around, say 5% BEFORE transaction log backup; does that mean there's just a spike at one point in time of use? If so, does that also means I should be issuing SHRINKFILE commands from time to time, after the full backup?

    I'm not trying to 2nd guess you ... but I just do not understand why the following recommendations: "Do this shrink only once though."

    I understand that everytime a log file needs to auto expand, it takes up resources. But, if it's only using say 75MB (5% of 1.5GB); wouldn't it be good measures to shrink it from time to time - to save space not used 99% the time and the space allocated is only for 1 time use?

    And considering my anticipated users usage is from 7am - 9pm; wouldn't a "cleanup" be recommended after 9pm? All data should be committed (and written to data file), full backup will make sure I have a copy of data file of all committed transactions, wouldn't it?

    At least, that's what my noob dba brain is telling me.
