• I can see why you might not want to use the @StartDate and @EndDate suggestion because you probably only want your users to have to pick one date and have it show all the tasks on that date. A slight modification to that might be

    WQ.WorkQueueStartWorkDate between @StartDate and DateAdd(d,1,@StartDate)

    It's still the easiest suggestion but there are some complicating questions that need to be answered:

    Does the WorkQueueStartWorkDate have a time component? (Or is it just midnight)

    Is it possible for there to be more than one run per day? (How does your ETL logging handle multiple runs?)

    The answer to those two questions could complicate the way you want to do it, but the following may help. If your DW is huge and you have an index on the WorkQueueRunGroupRunID then this might be a bit faster but other than that there is no benefit over the previous suggestion.

    1) create a parameter @RunID

    2) Create a dataset for the parameter:




    FROM CloudBIMetaData.dbo.WorkQueue WQ

    Order by WQ.WorkQueueStartWorkDate Desc

    Note - If you have a master table of dates and run id's then use that instead.

    3) Edit the properties of the parameter and set the Available values to "get values from a query" and use the dataset created in step 2.

    Use the WorkQueueRunGroupRunID as the Value Field

    Use the WorkQueueStartWorkDate as the Label. If the date has a time component you can format it to show the date only.

    Note - If you have multiple runs per date then you will need to add another differentiator for the label so you know which run you are selecting for that day. GUID's won't be in order of run time.

    4) Edit your main report Dataset to add:

    Where WQ.WorkQueueRunGroupRunID = @RunID

    Note: this will need some tweaking if you potentially have more than one run per day, because you might see multiples of each of your tasks. Even if you don't think you will have more than one ETL run per day, you probably will one day when it breaks and you need to re-run it.