• Good question.

    But the explanation, as it refers to nullif and to view5, is a bit of a mess - it appears to say that view5 will always return null, instead of an error, when the divisor is zero, which is wrong (and conflicts with the answer given, which is right). The thing about nullif (as used in view5) is that it is equivalent to a two-branch case statement, and almost always both branches will be executed in currently supported systems, even if the divisor is zero.

    Edit: the current implementation of CASE can (and does) use eager rather than lazy evaluation, which means that it can't be used to eliminate errors by having separate branches for error-producing and safe states; and since nullif is just a shorthand for a case statement, it has the same issue. I regard this as an example of an opportunity for optimisation being used as an excuse to destroy the apparent semantics of the language, which is of course inexcusable.
