• Ah ok 🙂 hehe suck eggs! Sorry!

    Hmmm well I thought the performance you posted is good. I'm assuming the sets you've posted are the fastest results out of the cmd file Brent Ozar posted?

    In terms of tweaking the SAN, you could look at disk sets in the RAID configurations? Maybe make it wider? One problem I have with mine is the old RAID 6 vendor answer to redundancy has been applied, thus making my writes absolutely awful...

    What type of disk is in there? SAS 10k? SAS 15k?

    Do you know what kind of throughput and response time you need?

    The only other thing I can think of is ensuring your read heavy elements and your write heavy elements sit on different enclosures within the SAN? This'll prevent thrashing on one particular set of disks if the IOP traffic is switching all over the show (between random and sequential). I think Brent did a post on this somewhere......I'll try and dig it out.

    The other question is what will sit with the Clusters allocated disk? What other services on the network will use it? Or is it all dedicated (I'm so jealous if you've managed to persuade the SAN tech to do that btw!!!).

