• 5280_Lifestyle (12/17/2012)

    My brain isn't working right now. I have data such as 'HEYE-B Euro-IPA 69793' and 'HEYE-B RFE-IPA 70940'. I need to retrieve the middle value, such as 'Euro-IPA' or 'RFE-IPA'. How would that be coded to retrieve those values?

    Forcing my brain to work resulted in the following. It's the best that I could manage. Seems to have done the trick.

    CASE WHEN (CHARINDEX(' ',ColName)=0)

    THEN 'Unknown'

    ELSE SUBSTRING(ColName,CHARINDEX(' ',ColName)+1,

    LEN(ColName) -

    LEN(LEFT(ColName, CHARINDEX(' ',ColName))) -

    LEN(RIGHT(ColName, CHARINDEX(' ',ColName) - 1)))

    END AS [Middle_Value]
