• Hello Everyone,

    Here are several observations I have notice over a period of 10+ years working on disaster recovery.

    1) Most people have no idea of how their SQL production servers are setup. Like port numbers, Link Connections, sp_configure settings, etc. Documentation is very poor in 90% of the cases I've worked on. I have created a script that helps in this area and is posted on this site. Just seacsearch "SQL Server Documenter". It not perfect but a good start.

    2) Backups. You won't believe how many people have never tested the restores of their databases. Backups are only as good as your restores. Lots for companies have large databases but do not replicate in any manner. Then they complain that the restores are too long.

    3) Testing. You would be shocked how many companies have no DR testing. Some say "we can restore to the cloud" and yet have never tried it. If we do more DR testing then we can weed out the first two issues listed above.

    4) Bare Metal builds. This seem like a lost art. With replication and HA solutions we forget that you still to know how to perform bare metal builds.

    Well, that's all I have for now.

