• mike 57299 (12/11/2012)

    Hi -

    Log backups are 30 min everyday between 8am and 6pm. Once the t-log has been restored - it will be deleted.

    I want to write or get help writing a script that restores the logs from a specific directory. If I do that every night, then delete the files, then:

    1) the database will be current

    2) the # of files will stay constant

    3) I will have a "live" database to work with.


    Once you recover the database you cant then restore any more log files. You'd have to restore the full backup again and then any log backups to take you up to your chosen recovery point. That's still a whole load of log files, providing one doesnt get lost or corrupted.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉