• Yeah I used such function a lot in our applications although it is nice to have the ability to call with different delimiters (sometimes people don't like to use commas :-)...)

    But recently I have been looking at it from a different point of view by using CLR functions and the speed of it is mind blowing compare to the T-SQL code.

    Only limitation though is that the CLR function doesn't accept a string as long as the T-SQL one (or maybe I haven't found the correct configuration yet.

    CLR might be very useful in this case so I wanted to give you the code if you want to try it.


    public partial class UserDefinedFunctions


    [SqlFunction(Name = "ufn_SplitString", FillRowMethodName = "SplitString_FillRow", TableDefinition = "ID NVARCHAR(255)")]

    public static IEnumerable SqlArray(SqlString str, SqlChars delimiter)


    if (delimiter.Length == 0)

    return new string[1] { str.Value };

    return str.Value.Split(delimiter[0]);


    public static void SplitString_FillRow(object row, out SqlString str)


    str = new SqlString((string)row);

