• TravisDBA (12/10/2012)

    True Mike, but on the other hand, I have also seen people use this advantage as leverage (hostage) to get what they want or else (raises, bonuses, promotions, job security, etc.). They threaten to leave suddenly leaving the company in the lurch, so management ultimately caves into them alot of times. ...

    We have the opposite of this. There's a guy here who's been "the guy" for 20+ years. Nobody really wants to do the stuff he does; everybody was fine with that - including the IT Director. This guy goes through months of ill health and was in the hospital twice. That's when the IT Director realized that "disaster planning" should include these critical people... since their failure will take mission-critical Intellectual Property out of the organization.

    Since then we've been on a quest to capture & document his day-to-day operations. 🙂