• That's what I thought you might want. Now the next question. Is there any chance that a single record will span dates, such as a 3rd shift person NEIL working with patient GEORGE from 2330 to 0030 ? Or can we assume that all service is within a single calendar day? If the business expands, might the system need to handle data generated in different time zones ? Also, are the start and end times always on 15 minute boundaries (xx00, xx15, xx30, xx45) ?

    Finally, give some thought to whether or not a staff can be acting on two (or more) activities with a given patient, and say, overlapping a monitoring process with a therapy process, logging both times for some overlap period for the same patient. These kinds of things can be critical in making the right assumptions about the logging data.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)