• great job providing sample data!

    edit because another post by a different user posted the Identical xml, I've removed my post because it looks like homework


    And Another Edit:

    oops ok since it was actually the same user, but he changed his login between the accidental post and this one, I assumed two different users.,

    I guess that's ok, so *poof* here is is back again:

    i played with this, and it looks like this gets you what you are after, but it's missing the <Root> tag...not sure how to get that yet, but will pot it if I get it to work:

    select * from @xmldata FOR XML RAW('Node')

    the complete test set i was playing with...very helpful to look at some of the other formats to familiarize yourself:

    DECLARE @idoc int

    DECLARE @doc xml

    DECLARE @xmldata Table (FirstName varchar(110),

    LastName varchar(210),

    Email varchar(110),

    Phone varchar(110),

    Position varchar(110),

    Branch varchar(110),

    Address varchar(110))

    SET @doc ='<Root>

    <Node FirstName="Andrew" LastName="Fuller" Email="afuller@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9898" Position="CEO" Branch="TopManagement" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">

    <Node FirstName="Jeremy" LastName="Boather" Email="jboather@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9888" Position="President QA" Branch="QA" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">

    <Node FirstName="Anne" LastName="Dodsworth" Email="adodsworth@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9887" Position="VP QA" Branch="QA" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">

    <Node FirstName="Alexander" LastName="Tuckings" Email="atuckings@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9886" Position="Team Lead Team1" Branch="QA" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">

    <Node FirstName="Brenda" LastName="Smith" Email="bsmith@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9885" Position="Senior QA" Branch="QA" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq."/>


    <Node FirstName="Mary" LastName="Bird" Email="mbird@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9885" Position="Team Lead Team2" Branch="QA" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq."/>



    <Node FirstName="Steven" LastName="Buchanan" Email="sbuchanan@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9897" Position="President Dev Dept." Branch="Development" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">

    <Node FirstName="Robert" LastName="King" Email="rking@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9896" Position="VP Dev Dept." Branch="Development" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">

    <Node FirstName="Laura" LastName="Callahan" Email="lcallahan@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9892" Position="Team Lead Team1" Branch="Development" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">

    <Node FirstName="Jason" LastName="Roland" Email="jroland@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9872" Position="Senior Dev" Branch="Development" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">



    <Node FirstName="Eric" LastName="Danstin" Email="edanstin@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9882" Position="Team Lead Team2" Branch="Development" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">

    <Node FirstName="Elizabeth" LastName="Lincoln" Email="elincoln@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9862" Position="Senior Dev" Branch="Development" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">


    <Node FirstName="Margaret" LastName="Peacock" Email="mpeacock@contoso.com" Phone="(205) 555 - 9852" Position="Senior Dev" Branch="Development" Address="London, 120 Hanover Sq.">







    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc

    Insert @xmldata

    SELECT *

    FROM OPENXML (@idoc,'//Node',1)

    WITH (FirstName varchar(110),

    LastName varchar(210),

    Email varchar(110),

    Phone varchar(110),

    Position varchar(110),

    Branch varchar(110),

    Address varchar(110))

    select * from @xmldata

    select * from @xmldata FOR XML RAW('Node') --('Root') --RAW,AUTO,EXPLICIT,PATH

    select * from @xmldata FOR XML AUTO

    --select * from @xmldata FOR XML EXPLICIT

    select * from @xmldata FOR XML PATH('Root')

    select * from @xmldata FOR XML RAW('Root') ,ELEMENTS --('Root') --RAW,AUTO,EXPLICIT,PATH

    select * from @xmldata FOR XML AUTO ,ELEMENTS

    --select * from @xmldata FOR XML EXPLICIT

    select * from @xmldata FOR XML PATH('Root') ,ELEMENTS


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!