Home Forums Programming Powershell Inserting into table with Powershell RE: Inserting into table with Powershell

  • Thanks for all the replies. I got past my original question with the following (can't remember where I found it):

    catch [System.Exception] {

    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message


    Once I got that, it helped me solve the other issues I was having and it works now. Here is part of the code as it is now:

    foreach ($db in $dbs)


    $dbname = $db.Name

    $fileGroups = $db.FileGroups

    ForEach ($fg in $fileGroups)


    If ($fg)


    $mdfInfo = $fg.Files | Select Name, FileName, size, UsedSpace

    $logInfo = $db.LogFiles | Select Name, FileName, Size, UsedSpace

    $date = get-date

    $cmd.commandtext = "INSERT INTO dbo.db_sizes (Server, DatabaseName, DataFileName, DataSize, DataUsedSpace, LogName, LogFileName, LogSize, LogUsedSpace, SDate) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}')" -f

    $instance, $mdfInfo.Name, $mdfInfo.FileName, ($mdfInfo.size / 1000), ($mdfInfo.UsedSpace / 1000), $logInfo.Name, $logInfo.FileName, ($logInfo.size / 1000), ($logInfo.UsedSpace / 1000), $date

    Try {



    catch [System.Exception] {

    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message





    Del Lee