• Hugo Kornelis (12/4/2012)

    I had to make a guess as to the author's intention and preparation.

    Did he actually try the code himself? In that case, it is a nasty trick question, because everything in the question distracts from the syntax error (semicolon after GO) that causes the batch to fail and the table to not be created.

    Of did he forget to execute the code? In that case, it is an unintended trick question, because I can assume that the semicolon after the GO was an oversight and the author wanted us to focus on the ability to create a table name using reserved words (not a recommended good practice, by the way).


    Another possibility is that Ron did in fact try the code but then added the semicolon when submitting the question to SSC without re-testing. Possibly a good lesson here about minor touch up editing without testing.