• Nice question apart from teh semi-colon.

    Some interesting discussion about the default. BoL contradicts itself firmly here - the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER page has said the default is ON at least since SQL 2005, while the SET OPTIONS page says it is OFF. I believe that the fact is that it's one of those options like ANSI_WARNINGS where the default in the engine is OFF but the default applied by most connection methods is ON, but unlike ANSI_WARNINGS MS hasn't documented this in BoL (you will only finnd ANSI_WARNINGS off if you connect using DBLIBRARY, it's on by default for the native ODBC and OLE-DB drivers.

    It's rather surprising this error has managed to remain on the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER page in BoL for so many years.

    It's quite surprising too that more of these SET options which can be set off to get non-standard behavious have not been deprecated. There are features which just don't work when they are OFF - for example if QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF tables with indexes on computed columns behave badly.
