• Eugene Elutin (11/29/2012)

    Google for "Fizz Buzz T-SQL"


    BTW, a carpenter doesn't work without a toolbox and neither do I. If I was looking for a serious candidate I'd expect that he could not only Google but that he'd pull out his thumbdrive and grab an answer from there. My toolbox has hundreds of stored procedures, functions, code snippets (such as the DelimitedSplit8K function) and I can almost always find something I've already done that's close to what I need to do now. Why re-invent the wheel?

    Also, I'd be at a severe disadvantage without my RedGate tools such as SQL Prompt, SQL Search, SQL Snippets manager, etc. For example, if I want to create a new Tally table I just enter 'ctally' in a query window and bingo I have the entire code. Why do I have to cram my head full of trivia? Geez, I guess when it comes to SQL it's like the days when students weren't allowed to use calculators on tests.
