• heb1014 (11/28/2012)

    Thanks, this is helpful!

    I started working today to add the collection and reporting of configuration data. I created a query that will report all changes within the last week. One nice thing is that I can run it without needing to supply parameters.

    with ranked



    select * , rank() over (partition by configurationid order by capturedate) as rank

    from config.ConfigData



    a.CaptureDate as BeforeCaptureDate

    , a.ConfigurationID

    , a.Name

    , a.Value as BeforeValue

    , a.ValueInUse as BeforeValueInUse

    , b.CaptureDate as AfterCaptureDate

    , b.Value as AfterValue

    , b.ValueInUse as AfterValueInUse


    ranked a

    inner join ranked b on a.ConfigurationID = b.ConfigurationID and a.rank = b.rank - 1


    a.CaptureDate >= dateadd(week, -1, getdate()) -- Look for changes in the last week

    and ((a.Value <> b.Value) or (b.ValueInUse <> b.ValueInUse)) -- A change is where one of the values doesn't match for consecutive captures

    order by

    a.ConfigurationID, a.CaptureDate

    This is fantastic! And a classic example of what I love about the SQL Server Community - taking something and making it better, then sharing with everyone else. Thank you for posting!