Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Administration What transactions system "Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 0 to 1" execute ? RE: What transactions system "Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 0 to 1" execute ?

  • nhphuong76 (11/27/2012)

    Dear Admin,

    Why belowlog appears in MSSQL log. What transactions system execute ?

    MSQSQL 2008 R2

    Date 11/28/2012 11:57:32 AM

    Log SQL Server (Archive #1 - 11/28/2012 11:57:00 AM)

    Source spid56


    Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    sp_configure 'show advanced options' ,0

    This is used to make changes to the Instance Configuration
