• DiverKas (11/26/2012)

    But wouldn't this always compare all variables, though? In the syntax with OR, the query engine can see that a variable is empty, thereby satisfying one side of the OR condition, and need not even look in the database.

    I am not sure that this is true. This isn't .NET where code branches based on one side of an IF or SWITCH. From what I have seen, the query engine runs both sides and then compares.

    But thats just me.

    I don't know either. In VBA, such a comparison does get all parameters evaluated before the comparison is performed. In the Access Jet engine, it does not - a SWITCH function, for instance, stops evaluating when the first true condition is reached, so you can put in computations that yield a Null or unknown value, if something else stops the eval first, which is not possible in VBA.

    But the SQL Server optimizer is so smart about avoiding unnecessary work, it seems to me that in a situation when an already known value of a local variable can -completely- obviate the need to examine table data, it would most certainly do so. Maybe examining a few query plans would tell the story, but I'm still not very good at reading those, despite many hours spent over tutorials on the subject.