• jeremy.bruker (11/26/2012)

    Well basically I wanted it to return all the license for the state. Then only tell me how many actual pilots I have in those states. So when it comes to the two PP licenses for user 5. I want both of them counted in the state total. However, for pilots in the region. I would only want it to count as 1.

    So I think it is actually two different queries cases I am thinking about here.

    Thank you for your response.

    Your original posted desired output does not seem to match your sample data. I think this should be close to what you are looking for.

    SELECT Base_State, SUM(case when type = 'PP' then 1 else 0 end) as PP,

    SUM(Case when type = 'JP' then 1 else 0 end) as JP,

    (select COUNT(distinct UserNumber) from #UserMain u where u.Base_State = a.Base_State) as People

    FROM #UserMain a

    left JOIN #Professional b ON a.UserNumber = b.UserNumber

    group by Base_State


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