• dj1202 (11/8/2012)

    Hello everyone, I have 3 fields, all text strings but all supposed to represent dates.

    Field 1: varchar in the format of '20121108'.

    Field 2 and 3: varchar string supposed to represent quarters and years. For example, '4Q12' is used to represent 4th quarter of year 2012.

    I'm trying to write a query to check if Field 1 is BETWEEN Field 2 and Field 3.

    SELECT *

    FROM Table

    WHERE CONVERT(date,Field1, 111) BETWEEN...

    Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

    You have multiple problems here. First, the "Field 1" date needs to be cast/converted to a proper date datatype at some point. Eventually, and at the worst possible time (Murphy's Law), this is going to fail if the varchar "date" is not a valid one (e.g., '20121131'). And by the way, SQL's ISDATE function has some serious flaws so you need to be careful when using that. Here's a discussion on a similar topic: Get date part from a filename string

    So if it's not possible to fix the source data, then I'd recommend writing a query to import the dates into an intermediate staging table that could be validated before being used in a production query. This could be time-consuming depending on where you are getting the data from, how often it changes, etc. But if the data import is an infrequent process relative to the query itself then getting the data validated and into properly typed columns FIRST will avoid inevitable datetime datatype errors and the need to use CAST/CONVERT in the WHERE clause of your production query--which is generally not a good idea.

    Then of course you have the problem of interpreting what '4Q12' is so that date logic can be applied to it. If you choose to import to a staging table, your import procedure/query can use some of the ideas posted above by others to put these quarter/year strings into the proper date format according to your particular business rules. If these quarter boundaries are going to be static then you should probably just create a separate table (as noted in the post just above).

    Thus, once you have validated and properly typed columns the WHERE date1 BETWEEN date2 and date3 part of the query is easy. (Keep in mind that the BETWEEN clause is INCLUSIVE when setting up your quarter boundaries.)

    Of course, you will have to compare the performance issues of importing, validating, and otherwise "cleaning up" and converting the data first against the performance of a query or procedure doing all of this "on the fly." That will depend on how often you do one or the other or both.