• Perry Whittle (11/19/2012)

    arkiboys (11/19/2012)

    1-Do you mean to overwrite?

    No, write to a new file each time with a unique name

    arkiboys (11/19/2012)

    2-I am thinking of having t he full backup of the database every mid-night and transaction log backups every 15 minutes.

    Does this mean if there is a disaster at 11:55 pm, to restore to 11:45 pm I should a) get the previous midnight database backup, b) from that point I have to restore every singly transaction log in order until 11:45 pm?

    Yes, the last full backup and any log backups up to the point you wish to restore to.

    1- if the backup of transaction log is scheduled to run say every 15 minutes then how can I "write to a new file each time with a unique name" ?

    2- restoring each transaction log sinice the previous midnight seems to be a long process. How about introducing a differential backup?