• Heres one solution, using a Row_Number() to select the second record, but it depends on the order by

    Declare @t as Table (a int, b date)

    insert into @t (a,b)values('2','2012-12-21')

    insert into @t (a,b)values('2','2012-12-23')

    insert into @t (a,b)values('3','2012-11-23')

    insert into @t (a,b)values('3','2012-11-21')

    insert into @t (a,b)values('2','2012-12-21')

    ;With Cte as (

    Select *,Row_Number() Over(Partition by a order by b desc) rn from @t


    Select a,b from Cte where rn=2

    ;With Cte as (

    Select *,Row_Number() Over(Partition by a order by b asc) rn from @t


    Select a,b from Cte where rn=2

    The first one does a Descending sort the second does an ascending sort so you get different values.

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