• D.Post (11/13/2012)


    The only thing I can think of is replacing:

    ON( Target.name = Source.name )


    ON( Target.name COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = Source.name COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS )

    Hope this helps.

    Yes, and no 😉

    First: I'm aware of the COLLATE clause to overcome differences in collating stuff.

    Second: the error isn't on the JOIN condition, but on the CASE-part where I check the $action field.

    So the COLLATE clause should go there.


    WHEN $action = 'INSERT' THEN 'ADDED'

    WHEN $action = 'DELETE' THEN 'REMOVED'


    BUT: the question was rather why there is a difference in behavior between a PARTIALLY CONTAINED database and a NON-PARTIALLY CONTAINED database.

    As far as I'm concerned: this is a bug 😉

    I've got SQL Server Days coming up, and I'm going to relate this issue to some of the speakers.

    "Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen." -- Edward V. Berard, "Life-Cycle Approaches"