• Sorry if I was too cryptic/concise...

    1) Here's the query I run to check exec plan reuse:

    SELECT ECP.usecounts,ECP.refcounts,ECP.cacheobjtype,ECP.objtype,EST.[text]


    sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS ECP


    sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ECP.plan_handle) AS EST


    ECP.usecounts DESC,EST.[text]


    One row of output:

    usecounts refcounts cacheobjtype objtype text

    540253 2 Compiled PlanProc Create Proc mt_amstas30 @SourceID varchar(3),TaskID int,....

    Other rows of output (there are thousands of these, just the parameters different):

    usecounts refcounts cacheobjtype objtype text

    1 2 Compiled PlanPrepared exec mt_amstas30 'AMS','77985984',...

    1 2 Compiled PlanPrepared exec mt_amstas30 'AMS','77985995',...

    My goal is to reuse query plans whenever possible. If I'm interpreting the results of the query correctly, the exec plan for the SP mt_amstas30 is being reused, but the EXEC statements that "start" the SP are not. If this is true, is there a simple way to "start" the SP that does not create a new exec plan when the parameter strings change? My research on MSDN turns up RCP and ODBC calls that are far too complex...

    Thanks in advance for any guidance / help you can provide.