• George M Parker (11/7/2012)

    Thanks for this

    Do you know of a way to check if my an instance is experiecing a plan cache bloat? What I mean is, how can I check what the allocated size of my plan cache is and how much of it has been used.


    Check out the following blog by Kimberly Tripp: http://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/kimberly/post/procedure-cache-and-optimizing-for-adhoc-workloads.aspx.

    SELECT objtype AS [CacheType]

    , count_big(*) AS [Total Plans]

    , sum(cast(size_in_bytes as decimal(18,2)))/1024/1024 AS [Total MBs]

    , avg(usecounts) AS [Avg Use Count]

    , sum(cast((CASE WHEN usecounts = 1 THEN size_in_bytes ELSE 0 END) as decimal(18,2)))/1024/1024 AS [Total MBs - USE Count 1]

    , sum(CASE WHEN usecounts = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Total Plans - USE Count 1]

    FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans

    GROUP BY objtype

    ORDER BY [Total MBs - USE Count 1] DESC



    I've used that script before.

    I'm trying to find a way to get the total MB's SQL has allocated to the plan cache and how much of it has been used up already
