• You can use the following script to query the Error Log and get result for all Database backups and restores:

    Declare @ArchiveNum Int

    Declare @Arch_Temp Table(ArchiveNo Int, Date DateTime, LogFileSize BigInt)

    Declare @Err_temp Table(LogDate DateTime, ProcessInfo NVarchar(30), Text Nvarchar(MAX))

    Insert Into @Arch_Temp

    Execute xp_enumerrorlogs

    Declare Arch_Cursor Cursor LOCAL STATIC FORWARD_ONLY


    Select ArchiveNo From @Arch_Temp

    Open Arch_Cursor

    Fetch NEXT From Arch_Cursor Into @ArchiveNum

    While(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)


    Insert Into @Err_temp

    EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog @ArchiveNum

    Fetch NEXT From Arch_Cursor Into @ArchiveNum


    Close Arch_Cursor

    DeAllocate Arch_Cursor

    Select * From @Err_temp Where ProcessInfo = 'Backup'

    You can alter the Script according to your requirement. Hope this is close to what you are looking for.

    Vinu Vijayan

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