• Jason-299789 (11/7/2012)

    Tava, you can insert the same record twice with a merge statement, heres a test rig.

    Create Table #test_merge_target (

    Col1 varchar(10)

    ,Col2 varchar(10)


    Create Table #test_merge_source (

    Col1 varchar(10)

    ,Col2 varchar(10)


    Insert into #test_merge_source

    values ('Acol','test data')

    ,('Acol','test data')

    ,('bcol','test data')

    Merge into

    #test_merge_target as target

    USING #test_merge_source as Source

    ON target.Col1=Source.Col1


    Update Set target.Col2=Source.Col2

    When NOT MATCHED Then

    INSERT (Col1,Col2)

    VALUES (Source.Col1,Source.Col2);

    Select * from #test_merge_target


    drop table #test_merge_source

    drop table #test_merge_target

    however you cannot UPDATE or DELETE the Same row twice.

    one way to aviod this is to use unique condition for the rowset;

    i.e if unique column exist then add that in the NOT MATCHED condition ...

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm: