• Hi Jason

    The master/model/MSDB/tempdb data and logs are all on C:. Total size of everything except tempdb is 41 MB, which is trivial.

    The tempdb.ldf file is about 965 MB and the tempdb.mdf file is currently at 51,200 MB. The C: drive is 89.9 GB with current free space of 21.5 GB.

    Yes I know it's can be a bad thing to fill up the system drive, so I have now capped the max size of the tempdb.mdf file to 60000 MB. Surely that ought to suffice!

    I take your point about unnecessary updating though. As I am a bit nervous about about tweaking 3rd party code, what is the best way to rename/add an sp so I can backtrack if necessary using SSMS? Sorry to be so basic - I have never had to even consider doing this before.

    NB I have taken a backup!
