• Jason-299789 (10/30/2012)

    heres a quick and dirty way

    CREATE Table #results


    RecordId Int

    ,ItemId Int

    ,cost Decimal(38,2)


    Insert into #results

    values (43392, 3880 ,50.00)

    ,(39056, 3881, 93.75)

    ,(33941, 3881, 97.50)

    ,(33970, 3881, 97.50)

    ,(38950, 3881, 98.75)

    ,(99999, 3881, 98.75)

    ,(40417, 3881, 96.56)

    ,(36491, 3882, 30.00)

    ,(37265, 3883, 6.50)

    ,(35054, 3883 ,4.50)

    ,(33658, 3884, 14.94)

    ,(36585, 3884,18.77)

    ,(33134, 3884, 14.75)

    Select r.RecordId,r.ItemId,r.cost

    From #results r

    JOIN (Select ItemId,MAX(cost) mcost

    from #results

    group by ItemId) m

    on m.ItemId=r.ItemId

    and mcost=r.cost

    This assumes that the Max(Cost) per Item Id is unique.

    Eg if you added a row 9999,3881,98.75 and ran this you would get two rows in the output







    I dont know if thats what you want.

    Sorry no i need to return only one result per ItemID. No preference on which one just need one result. I now see why you are after the DDL and DML.