• Jason,

    Thanks for your reply. I do not understand "the index the engine is choosing is 6 in your list (IX_GMFPick_5)". I see several indexes and a Heap. How/why did you identify _5 as "THE" index? Or, how about a source where I could read about how to interpret SQL Execution plans?

    You were 100% correct. I deleted the included fields from the one index. I added the same fields to _5 index, restarted the SQL engine and the query ran in 4 seconds. That is more inline with what I expected. And yes my development box.

    New actual execution plan is attached.

    I do appreciate you and everyone else putting the time and effort into this.

    I don't see a way to mark this topic as complete.



    PS. I am in good shape, on a hill, good drainage, new house (15 yrs) and a new roof (lost in a hurricane 8 years ago. Defective bldg materials so the replacement was free). But please keep the thousands in my area who are not so fortunate in your thoughts.