• dwain.c (10/29/2012)

    I won't be able to help you much as your business logic is slightly elusive to me as I'm not much of a sports fan. 🙂

    However you have two fields shown as:

    [RoundNumberFk] [int] NULL,

    [TeamListFk] [int] NULL,

    Whose suffix (Fk) suggests you want them to be foreign keys. To do so, you must do a little more than put Fk in the name. You need to define a foreign key constraint on that table.

    Here's a pretty good tutorial on doing that:


    Thanks I have defined the foreign keys already. I just don't know how to access them.

    So to my logic to reduce the replication of fond numbers I created a round table and season table.

    This allows me to say for years 2011, 2012, 2013 all featured 10 rounds. Each round has say 8 matches of 2 teams. It's doing this in the draw table that is causing me bother, so as an example this is the data I want to enter using the season and round tables but can't:

    Season: 2012

    Round: 1

    Venue: Canberra

    HomeTeam: Canberra

    AwayTeam: Melbourne

    But how do I use the season and round details from their tables when entering draw details?