• Thanks mahesh.. your query is a little more elaborative than mine.

    But my main question is if the Initial size is 70 GB can the consumed be 3 mb? I have seen this case happening with Tempdb last week.

    First I used

    select A.[Size]/128 AS [FileSize]

    ,FileProperty (A.[name], 'spaceused') / 128 AS [Consumed]

    ,A.[max_size]/128 AS [MaxSize]

    ,A.growth/128 AS [AutoGrowMB]

    ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), A.[Name]) AS [LocicalName]

    ,A.[physical_name] AS [FileLocation]

    from sys.master_files A where A.database_id = DB_ID(DB_NAME())

    order by A.type, a.[file_id]

    then i see that in sp_helpdb <DB NAme> is giving different numbers for the column 'Size'