• Ok. I got the below to run. The formula returns weekly defects / overall production totals. I want to calculate weekly defect / weekly production. Is this possible?

    ;with totalcount as (


    cast(count(sn) as decimal) as total

    from completedUnit

    where MONTH(dateentered) = '10' and operator = 'operator'



    (100 - (cast(count(distinct d.sn) as decimal)/(select * from totalcount))*100) as 'yield'

    from productiondefect as d

    join completedUnit as c on d.sn = c.sn

    where MONTH(c.dateentered) = '10' and c.operator = 'operator'

    GROUP BY DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 7, c.dateentered), 7)

    ORDER BY DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 7, c.dateentered), 7)