• Hello again...

    I have a different problem now... I could not calculate the moving avarage with an MDX Query so I tried it with sql. It works but I realy know that the correct way would be an mdx query...

    Anyway, so I have the moving Avarage on the Day basis but I want to have an avg in every Time level... So I tried this code -->

    'iif ([Time].currentmember.level.Name="(All)",


    iif ([Time].currentmember.level.Name="Year",


    iif ([Time].currentmember.level.Name="Quarter",


    iif ([Time].currentmember.level.Name="Month",


    iif ([Time].currentmember.level.Name="Day",


    But it seems tha it Sums the Data In each Time level...

    I get the MovingAvarage from my View and his Aggregate property is to sum...

    I think there is the problem... I use SQL Server Standard Edition and I cant select for the Aggregate property the none property.

    I run my MDX on the cube and I check the results on the Cube Browser. The MDX is so different from SQL and I really cant run anything on the SQL Server Analysis Query Analysizer.....

    What am I doing wrong? Is there any other way? I really dont know and I need really your Help... Please Help me!!!!!