• Chris Ammann (10/22/2012)

    "That was a long time ago I don't know whats wrong just fix it"

    Chris, that is excellent. Unless it was a long long time ago they do remember it and should be able to assist. But then again there are those who suffer from "selective memory" and cannot remember anything about it at all. Funny they can write similar code that same afternoon that they could not remember in the morning.

    I think I could pick up my old code from years back and know what the code was doing and why. I might have to look again at the syntax, data, and the sequence of events but I think I could still get there. As well, as a maintainer you or others have had to look at some very old and odd code, determine what is going on with only a hint or two make significant adjustments. How much more should the one who created it from thin air be able to find and fix?

    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!