• Ciao

    Now i understood better.

    I HAVE to install both OPENEDGE PROGRESS ODBC Driver for 32 and 64 bit ...on my 64 bit windows server 2008.

    When i am writing SSIS on Visual Studio i have to use 32 bit version, otherwise i will continue the error i posted.

    When i deploy my dtsx , it will be run in 64 environment and it should be work the same because i will have 64 bit OPEN EDGE PROGRESS 64 BIT driver installed.

    Is it correct ???

    But i have some doubts.

    How can i distinguish 2 different versions 32 and 64 bit in ODBC DATA SOURCE Connections of windows server 2008 , when i am in BIDS to write my dtsx ???

    IF i have other 3 dtsx built with Linked server that they point to opendedge driver to 64 bit...

    They work fine ...Why ??? Because Linked server is an object of SQL SERVER of 64 bit version ???

    I will try.


    i DID tests with LINKED SERVER and these test were successfully !!!.

    i AM TRYING to not use LINKED SERVER because with it i have a problem that i was not able to solve.

    In PROGRESS DB i have to pull data with some tables with name fields that contains a simbol MINUS (-)

    AND this symbol LINKED SERVER is refusing ...

    I did not find how to solve that...

    the name of field pub.prezzi.pre-anno is truncated because MINUS character is invalid...

    In BOLD font the problem that convinced me to try with OPEND EDGE directly connection...

    SELECT 1 AS CodAzienda,

    codpro AS CodProdotto,

    codcema AS CodMagazzino ,

    scmin AS Scmin , scmax AS Scmax, priord AS PuntoRiordino, leco AS Lotto, locali1 AS Locali1 , locali2 AS Locali2, locali3 AS Locali3, locali4 AS Locali4, locali5 AS Locali5, locali6 AS Locali6, abcpick AS ABCpick , abcsco AS ABCsco , abcfatt AS ABCFatt , tipvend AS Tipvend, indrot AS Indrot, coefsic AS CoeffSicurezza, tiprior AS TipoRiordino ,leadtime AS LeadTime, settor AS SettOrd, dommed AS DomMed , devsta AS Devsta, incmed AS Incmed , scsic AS Scosic, dotmin AS Dotmin, limmax AS Limmax, stprod AS Stprod, settorf AS SetOrdFor , cuaz AS CuAz , cmcaz AS CmcAz , Cufil AS CuFil, cmcfil AS CmcFil, dtultve AS UltimaDataVendita, codfil AS Codfiliale , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,0),REPLACE(SUBSTRING(quantita,1,CHARINDEX(';',quantita)),';','') ) AS QuantitaGiacenzaAttuale,

    CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), REPLACE ( SUBSTRING(importo,1,CHARINDEX(';',importo)),';','') ) AS ValoreGiacenzaAttuale

    FROM openquery

    ( COMETA_BASE01P ,

    'select parmag.codpro, parmag.codcema , parmag.scmin, parmag.scmax, parmag.priord, parmag.leco, parmag.locali1, parmag.locali2,parmag.locali3,parmag.locali4,parmag.locali5,parmag.locali6, parmag.abcpick,parmag.abcsco,parmag.abcfatt,parmag.tipvend,parmag.indrot, parmag.coefsic,parmag.tiprior,

    parmag.leadtime, parmag.settor,parmag.dommed, parmag.devsta,parmag.incmed, parmag.scsic, parmag.dotmin, parmag.limmax,parmag.stprod, parmag.settorf, prezzi.cu AS Cuaz , prezzi.cmc AS CmcAz, ypremag.cu AS CuFil, ypremag.cmc AS CmcFil, parmag.dtultve , yfilmag.codfil , magsin.quantita , magsin.importo

    from pub.parmag

    left outer join pub.prezzi on pub.prezzi.codpro = pub.parmag.codpro

    and pub.prezzi.pre-anno = 2012

    left outer join pub.ypremag on pub.ypremag.codpro = pub.parmag.codpro AND pub.ypremag.codcema = pub.parmag.codcema

    left outer join pub.yfilmag on pub.yfilmag.codcema = pub.parmag.codcema

    where parmag.codpro <> '''' ')

    MANY THANKS ...in advance.