Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) TSQL to join two tables to calculate the total based on the date range RE: TSQL to join two tables to calculate the total based on the date range

  • Luis Cazares (10/15/2012)

    Sean, for what I understood, he might need to use the original query and filter the rows with a where clause.

    DECLARE @FromDate datetime = '20121013', @ToDate datetime = '20121015'

    SELECT rc.Country, SUM(r.CostPerSec*rc.Duration)

    FROM #Rates r

    JOIN #Records rc ON rc.Date >= r.FromDate

    AND rc.Date <= isnull(r.ToDate, rc.Date)

    AND r.Country = rc.Country

    WHERE rc.Date >= @FromDate

    AND rc.Date <=@ToDate

    GROUP BY r.Country

    Unless I am misreading your code, that would actually return almost the same thing, except it won't handle the null for r.ToDate. It is the same because the date checks are in the join condition.


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