• dogramone (10/11/2012)

    I have a very strict self rule on working from home, I won't. Two key reasons. Firstly as a project manager I feel I need to alwaays be available to help resolve issues. Much easier to co-ordinate things from the office where 60% of the people and resources reside. Secondly I like the seperation I get by keeping home for fun and work for work. Sure work can be fun but home is where I refresh and re-charge. I'm also known as a bit of a ludite and "old school".

    Believe me you are not alone. Many managers still feel that way today. This is why working remotely from home is not, and will not be widely accepted in the marketplace anytime soon. Many managers today still feel that working in your robe is not working. It's a strange perception, I know, but I know many that feel that way. They are two totally different environments and as you stated, should be kept that way for a reason. 😀

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"